Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Another Day Under My Belt

It has been a long time since I have been back to school and today seemed long. I was home by noon bust STILL! Today was my Monday because I stayed home sick yesterday. YUCK! I went to the doctor's tho and got an inhaler and a prescription so hopefully that will cure me before I preach on Sunday. Almost every sentence I make turns into coughing! Could you imagine a sermon like that?!?

Now another conversation between Meg and Mike about uniforms

Meg: As we are getting ready for school "Daddy, what are you doing?"
Mike: "Just putting on my uniform."
Meg: "You are putting on your uniform?"
Mike: "Yep. That is what Mommy and Daddy wear to school and to church."
Meg: "Oh, OK Daddy."
Later on at the breakfast table
Mike: pointing to his clothes "So Meg, do you remember what this is called?"
Meg: "Ummmmmm, (long pause) ...your uni clothes?"

Again with the laughter.

I sure hope you enjoy these as much as I do! Well, I am off to write my sermon...Wish me luck and send up the prayers! Thanks everyone!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Reading Week

Well I am now on the tale end of reading week and it has not been a very productive one! A certain professor of mine would like to remind us all that "Reading week is exactly that...It is in fact for reading." Well, he would be very disappointed with how I spent my week. I am too actually. I have been sick for most of it! I have zero energy and I am finding it hard to do simple tasks like TALK!

Megan continues to make us laugh! I have a very close friend of mine who shares various conversations that she has had with her kids and I laugh so hard at times that I almost pee my pants! Anyhow, I wanted to start sharing some funny conversations with you by ripping off the way she does it. Hope you don't mind Shauna :) I just think you are brilliant.

At Breakfast one morning:

Me: So Megan what would you like for breakfast this morning?
Megan: Cereal.
Me: Would you like to try some Rice Krispies?
Megan: Ok Mom.
(I pour cereal in her bowl and add the milk)
Me: Can you hear the cereal saying "Snap Crackle Pop"?
Megan: (She puts her ear close to the bowl) Yep!
(After she is all done her cereal she looks at me with the most serious face)
Megan: Mom, may I more CRAPPLE POPS please?
And the laughter began!!!

Anyhow, that is all for now. Chat later. Oh about the 5am update, Meg has been sleeping in lately but we are all set to try the lamp and timer idea that Alison mentioned. So if we need to I will let you know how it works. :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

5 am? Really?

So, it has been a VERY long time since Mike and I have been able to sleep in. For some reason our lil' one has decided to start her day at 5am EVERY morning. WHY??? However, she is super polite when she gets up because not only will she call her little warning as she walks to our room "Moommmmyyy" but she will stand at our door and we hear the quiet (knock, knock, knock). Even more amazing is that she will just stand outside the door and knock until we give her permission to come in. I guess knocking on her door while she is playing has done the trick! So even though she is quite polite about her 5am start, I am NOT so polite. In fact Mike gets up with her for fear that I would lose it! When I am half asleep, I am NOT a nice person. I got up with her once and decided that no one let alone a 2 yr old should ever have to experience that.


If you have been following my blog, you might remember my post "Silent Excitement"? Well it is not so exciting anymore. I just got off the phone with a lady who told me that the silent retreat has been cancelled due to a lack of interest! Can you believe that??? that SUUUCCCKKKSSSS! :( I find that very sad and disappointing. Anyhow, back to my original post.

In regards to our lil' early riser, do you have any suggestions? We have tried cutting out her nap but all that has done is make her grumpier at 5am! Plus they nap at daycare so I can't really control that part. Keeping her up later doesn't seem to work so I am running out of ideas. Do you have any?? Thanks for reading! Have a good afternoon. I am going to nurse my sick head...Did I mention I was sick? Well I am. Hope you are feeling better then I am right now...Sick and now disappointed. Great combo! I am going back to bed. See you at 5am! ;)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

All the Rage.

So, yesterday my family and I went down to Costco and became members! I wanted to see what all the rage was really about. We only had about an hour to look at the whole store. Needless to say, it wasn't enough time. My first experience was not a pleasant one. The first strike is that they do not take Visa or Mastercard...Only Amex. :( Then we decided to check out only to find out that they don't give you bags. Then, we decided to get some of the yummy looking food at the concession so I finally found a table for us to sit at, stood in the long line only to find out that they only take cash! GRRRRR! I mean jump into this century will ya?!? It was a rushed, frustrating experience. Let's just say "all the rage" could be used in a different context. ;)

Well, since I am a sucker for punishment I decided to try it again today. I MUST say, that I was more prepared. I brought some bags with me, I made sure to take out some cash for a treat at the concession and we had a much better time! Megan and Mike LOVED going around to all the demo stands to try like five different juices, some cheese poppers, pizza, chips and the list goes on. I went into it with a better attitude and I found some really great prices. I feel better about my experience and plan to keep trying it out. Well that is my story for the weekend. Not all that exciting but at least it is something to read. :) Chat later my friends.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I Will Survive!

Well, I have almost made it through another VERY busy week. I am SURE it is only because of God's strength. Both Mike and I have had too many late nights doing papers and I am afraid that it is catching up with us. We will survive!

I wish I had as much discipline as last semester to get all my assignments done earlier but it seems as if things all pile up at the same time so the timing just doesn't allow me to do it. Again, I will survive.

I am getting soooo excited about upcoming events. Life enrichment retreat, silent retreat (by the way there is a possibility that this is not a go :( we shall know tomorrow for sure), some news...one way or another about my best friends (can't say too much), Ray's wedding and of course appointment day and commissioning. Sometimes the excitement and nervousness almost kills me BUT you guessed it...I will survive.

Well, I have to get supper for my family before I try to rest my all of the sudden achy body, just another thing for me to survive. Take care my friends!